Data Matrix is a high density 2-D matrix code originally developed by RVSI – Acuity CiMatrix that can encode a lot of information in a very small space.

The Data Matrix symbology has extensive error correction capabilities using ECC200 error checking.

A DataMatrix symbol can store between one and 3116 numeric or 2335 alphanumeric characters and is scalable between a 1-mil square to a 14-inch square. 

Since the overall size of the DataMatrix symbol is infinitely scalable, the DataMatrix symbols can be read at virtually any distance, given the right combination of DataMatrix size and reading equipment.

BarDIMM can scale the code with the definition of the small black square height/width.

BarDIMM will automatically optimize the encoding (binary, text, digits) by analyzing the data on the data.

For the options for the DataMatrix symbol, please read carefully the PCL parameters descriptions in the BARDIMM LANGUAGE SYNTAX chapter.


BarDIMM Pro support special characters in DataMatrix such as FNC1 for GS1-DataMatrix using the following protocol:

To call special characters and sequences first send char “[“ (ASCII 91).

The next character can be ASCII character ‘1’ to ‘7’ or ‘d’:

  • [1 : generates a FNC1 followed by normal data then the <GS1> separator for subsequent calls. <FNC1> at second codeword position, the input data before ‘[1’ shall be, between ‘A’ and ‘Z’, or between ‘a’ and ‘z’ or 2-digit between ‘01’ and ‘99’.
To encode data to conform to specific industry standard, it needs to be authorized by GS1/AIM International

  • [2 : Structured Append must be followed by three 3-digit numbers between 1 and 254, representing the symbol sequence and file identifier.  For example, symbol 3 of 9 with file ID 001401 is represented by [2042001401
  • [3 : Reader Programming is followed by normal data
  • [4 : Upper Shift is not allowed in the input data
  • [5 : MH10.8.3 Abbreviated format 05 header for Application Identifier is followed by normal data
  • [6 : MH10.8.3 Abbreviated format 06 header for Data Identifier is followed by normal data
  • [7NNNNNN is Extended Channel NNNNNN where NNNNNN is 6-digit EC value (000000 – 999999). e.g. Extended Channel 9 is represented by ~7000009
  • [8 : <GS> separator
  • [dNNN: creates ASCII decimal value NNN for a codeword (NNN must be 3 digits)

Note: if [ needs to be encoded in the data it shall be encoded as [[

GS1-DataMatrix example: 

Send <Esc>(s15b24820T[101095011010209171719050810ABCD1234[12110
to encode <FNC1>01095011010209171719050810ABCD1234 <FNC1>2110
equivalent to <FNC1>01095011010209171719050810ABCD1234 <GS1>2110

Barcode output (with decoded data added to the right):